Strategic Business Planning
Planning for the future is more than a weekend seminar, once a year. Time is required to transform into a different organization that knows how to target growth initiatives, link strategy to execution, and transform itself into a customer-centric organization. The rewards reaped may be great, but so are the investments required in people, technology, and value-added services.
Having a clear understanding of where you are as an organization, knowing the impact of the issues that face you, leveraging what propels your organization forward as a driving force and having a clear vision to where you want to go remains the foundation on which your strategic plan should be built. The planning model below provides a typical road map of how your strategic planning process might be managed. Modifications can always be made to reflect your unique circumstances, and your unique organization.
Bauschke & Associates helps you:
- Work through the planning process;
- Build a foundation for operational excellence;
- Get a clear vision about where you want to go; and
- Have your organization playing to win.
Corporate Governance
A periodic review of corporate governance is a worthwhile activity. The review would consider current processes, practices, effectiveness and existing/emerging issues involving corporate governance – namely, the board of directors.
- Governance characteristics
- Structures and processes
- Regulatory compliance
- Traditions and practices
- Policymaking role vs. management role and other issues.
Bauschke & Associates has the demonstrated expertise to help organizations process change and to effectively resolve corporate challenges. Please contact us today to engage our expertise.